BoostValue: Monitoring Azure Stack HCI from Azure

Azure Stack HCI is available in different offers but at the end of the day this is a packaged, hardened, Azure boosted version of Windows Datacenter/Hyper-V. It is not only to run Virtual Machines OnPrem, but you can also run natively some Azure services such as Kubernetes. Has its DNA is hybrid, the “Windows Admin … Read more

BoostValue: Log Analytics Costs

Based on my experience, this is quite mandatory during a POC to analyze in detail what the cost is. Why? because most of the components deployed are based on a variable, which is frequently the amount of data “ingested”. One of the easy way to do so is to go in the Log Analytics workspace, … Read more

BoostValue: workbooks and Kusto

As you probably know, a lot of products capture data and then store it in Azure Log Analytics. Then, either via the GUI of the Azure portal or via Kisto Queries, you can extract the relevant information and value it. Part of Azure Portal, you can create “workbooks”, the friendly name of reports in Azure. … Read more

BoostValue: Azure Service MAP (network)

è   Service MAP is one of the great “solutions” that you can implement on top of Log Analytics (LA). You can either activate it manually, or it can be installed automatically by other components such as Insights or Defender. The goal of that product is to ask the Log Analytics agent (and the extension, … Read more

Arc for Move2Cloud

è     Even if we have a lot of customers already using a lot of native Cloud services, we still have a lot of servers still running on the private network. One of the potential scenario is to migrate them in the Cloud. We call Move2Cloud scenarios where we want to migrate the servers … Read more

Quick flavor about Azure Arc

As I mentioned in my other Posts, Azure Arc has been introduced by Microsoft to break the silos in the infrastructure. Especially in multi on prem/multi cloud scenarios, IT Pros have difficulties managing such spread out architecture as they are built with different solutions. By silo I mean different tools, procedures, skills for each Cloud, … Read more

What is hybrid? quick introduction

Long time ago, all the IT professionals were working on what we call now “on prem”. At this time, we had to install all the things manually (electricity, racks, servers) and then install Operating Systems and of course Applications. Then, daily, our job was to look at the infrastructure, and make sure it is running … Read more

Welcome Back online

A long time ago (10+ years) I had the opportunity to be very active in technical writing. I also had the chance to collaborate with a very good engineer, Philippe Mathon, and co wrote a book on Microsoft firewalls (you remember ISA Server). That was long time ago, when I was a security MVP. I … Read more